Port call data API on NxtPort International

Stay updated on all current and future port movements with Port Call Data!
Getting access to real-time port movement data can be tricky. Especially if you are active in multiple ports. This often results in searching many web pages and sources for the correct information, which might not always be up to date.
That is why we are proud that we can soon offer an API solution in our digital marketplace through our new collaboration with Port+.
PortCall+ gathers port movement data directly from Port community systems, AIS and algorithms and standardizes this data into a singular data model. You can get uniform data on port calls from multiple ports. You can avoid human errors and improve your decision-making by having real-time data pushed to you. Real-time data and predictions increase operational efficiency.
Some features:
· The API provides all available data about a vessel and its voyages within a port
· Port calls: previous port, next port, destination, and origin port
· Voyages (IN, SHIFT, OUT) with the responsible agent: entry, exit, and berth locations plus the estimated and actual times
· Predefined passages, such as Vlissingen, that can be used to implement custom expected / in-port logic
· Anchor status
· Stay information, such as stay number
· Information about the vessel, such as IMO, callsign, tonnage,…
PortCall+ is already active in the Port Of Antwerp-Bruges, Gent, Flushing, Amsterdam & Rotterdam.
Interested in using the new API solution? Visit the NxtPort International marketplace for more information: https://www.nxtport-international.com/services/market/portcallplus